Recent Progress in Managing Crown Gall Disease in Grapevines (Vitis Vinifera L.): Sustainable Control Methods.

Nov 16, 2023, 3:30 PM
Virtual room

Virtual room

Oral presentation - online Agriculture Online session


Dr Hiba Yahyaoui (University Moulay Ismail, Morocco)


Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is a highly significant perennial plant with more than 6.95 million hectares of vineyards worldwide, producing table grapes, wine grapes, and derivatives. Wine production alone generated a global market value of over 29 billion euros in 2020. Morocco ranks fourth among major grapevine-producing countries, with a vineyard area of 42,286 hectares. Crown gall (CG), caused by the plant pathogenic bacterium Allorhizobium vitis, is a critical soil-borne disease affecting grapevines globally. CG leads to tumor-like overgrowths on roots and can cause severe productivity loss and even death in infected plants. This review aims to provide insights into the recent research on grapevine crown gall, focusing on management strategies to control this disease. The review examines current methods such as preventive agricultural practices, and curative biological control based on beneficial microorganisms. It also explores the use of resistant vine varieties and agronomic practices to limit disease spread. Identifying gaps in knowledge, the review suggests future research directions, including the development of innovative technologies and biological approaches to protect vine crops and manage this destructive disease.

Primary authors

Dr Hiba Yahyaoui (University Moulay Ismail, Morocco) Dr Khaoula Habbadi (National institution of agronomic research) Prof. Majida Hafidi (University Molay Ismail, Morocco) Ms Nadia EL Allaoui (National institution of agronomic research)

Presentation materials