Phosphorus efficiency levels of different moroccan chickpea genotypes under greenhouse conditions

Nov 16, 2023, 9:30 AM
The main hall (The Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco)

The main hall

The Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco

Poster Agriculture Posters session


Mr Pape Alioune NDIAYE (Mohamed VI Polytechnic University, Benguerir, Morocco)


Phosphorus (P) is the second most important macro-nutrient required by the plants, next to Nitrogen and is considered among the main abiotic factors limiting chickpea productivity in Morocco. This study assessed P-efficiency levels of different Moroccan chickpea genotypes and interactive effects between P fertilizer and doses under greenhouse conditions at UM6P-Benguerir experimental farm. Five genotyps (“Bochra”, “Arifi”, “Farihane”, “Taounate”, FLIP 97) were screened under two P fertilizer formulas based on Triple Superphosphate (TSP) and phosphate rock (PR) with three P doses (i.e., 14.3, 28.6 and 42.9 mg P kg-1 soil) simulating a deficit and an excess of P intake compared to an unfertilized treatment. The agrophysiological parameters monitored during the cycle are : growth, chlorophyll content index, chlorophyll fluorescence, P (total, inorganic, acid phosphatase) and precocity. At harvest, root parameters, aerial biomass and yield were evaluated. The first results showed changes in chickpea physiological parameters in reaction in different form and doses P for every genotyps. The best results on yield are obtained with genotypes Taounate and FLIP97. The highest P on shoot during Flowering was accumulated by genotype Taounate with TSP fertilizer 14.3 mg P kg-1 soil. P shortened fruit set duration on Flip97 (RP 14.3 and 28.6 mg P kg-1 soil) and Bochra (TSP 42.9 and RP 28.6 mg P kg-1 soil). On the other hand, no significant difference was noted for the Arifi, Farihane and Taounate genotypes. The best pod yields were obtained with the Taounate, Bochra and FLIP97 genotypes. The RP fertilizer significantly increased the yield compared to the unfertilized control without significant difference between the 3 doses for the Bochra but for the FLIP97 genotype dose 42.9 mg gave the best result.

Primary authors

Mr Pape Alioune NDIAYE (Mohamed VI Polytechnic University, Benguerir, Morocco) Adnane BARGAZ (Université Mohammed VI Polutechnique) RYM SAIDI Dr KHALID DAOUI (INRA)

Presentation materials