Over the past 50 years, West Africa has experienced one of the greatest variations in rainfall observed on a global scale. These climatic fluctuations not only affected the precipitation regime but also had consequences on hydrological and plant resources. As a first approach, climatology is interested in the average values of meteorological parameters, their dispersion around this average, extreme values, and their duration of return. The calculation of averages is therefore the basis of climate analysis.
This study of climate variability and its consequences on water resources and dynamics in the Conakry area during the year 2022.
The variability of Meteorological parameters is a research that consists in analyzing and synthesizing data mainly the atmosphere of a place and whose complex action influences the existence of the beings which are subjected to it. The meteorological data used in this study are the Rainfall, the Temperature (minimum and maximum), the wind of the Synoptic Station of Conakry 1991 - 2020, and the climatic variability in the year 2022 in Conakry. These data were extracted from the well-preserved archives of the Dominion Command. The climatic data collected underwent statistical processing and analysis including analyzing the interannual variability of the rainfall indices, the standardized anomalies were calculated, the trend evolution during the study period, cumulative rainfall per year and monthly cumulative, the variation of the average maximum and minimum temperature and a study of the monthly rainfall of 2022 in Conakry, number of rainy days. The analysis of these variations and the interpretation of the results are the subject of this present work.
Keywords: Rainfall index, Interannual variability, Number of rainy days 2022, Cumulative rainfall, climate variability