We generalize our previous results on neutrino flavor and spin flavour oscillations
in an external magnetic field and arbitrary moving media accounting for neutrino
electromagnetic interaction [1-2]. We consider neutrino oscillations and evolution
accounting for: 1) the neutrino interaction with an external magnetic field through
neutrino magnetic moment; 2) weak interaction with an external matter and 3)
electromagnetic interaction with electric currents accounting for diagonal and non-
diagonal neutrino charge radii and anapole moments. The new analytical formulas
of neutrino oscillations probabilities and conditions of the resonances are
[1] P.Pustoshny, A.Studenikin, Neutrino spin and spin-flavour oscillations in
transversal matter currents with standard and non-standard interactions,
Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 11
[2] V.Shakhov, K.Stankevich, A.Studenikin, Spin and spin-flavor oscillations due
to neutrino charge radii interaction with an external environment, J.Phys.Conf.Ser.
2156 (2021) 012241.