Wave packet treatment of neutrino flavour and spin oscillations in galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields

27 Oct 2023, 09:38
Oral Presentation ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology


Artem Popov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)


In this contribution we continue our studies [1,2] of neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field. We consider neutrino flavour and spin oscillations in a magnetic field within the formalism of wave packets. Decoherence effects due to the wave packets separation are studied. The coherence lengths for oscillations on both vacuum $\omega^{vac}_{ij} = \Delta m^2_{ij}/4E_\nu$ and magnetic frequencies $\omega^B_{i} = \mu_i B_{\perp}$ are calculated. It is shown that the coherence lengths for oscillations on magnetic frequencies are proportional to the cube of neutrino energy $E_\nu^3$. The considered decoherence effects are especially important for describing high-energy neutrino oscillations, since they propagate on kiloparsec scale and bigger. In particular, we show that interaction with a magnetic field can modify flavour composition of high-energy neutrinos measured by neutrino telescopes IceCube, Baikal-GVD and KM3NeT.

[1] A.Popov, A.Studenikin, Neutrino eigenstates and flavour, spin and spin-flavour oscillations in a constant magnetic field, Eur.Phys.J.C 79 (2019) 2, 144.
[2] A.Lichkunov, A.Popov, A.Studenikin, Three-flavour neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field, arXiv: 2207.12285 [hep-ph].

Primary author

Artem Popov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)


Alexander Studenikin (Department of Theoretical Physics Moscow State University)

Presentation materials