Hyper-Kamiokande is a new generation of deep underground neutrinos experiments expected to take data in 2027. The detector tank is 68 m in height and 71m in diameter, with a total volume of 258kt. The fiducial volume for neutrinos interactions is expected to be 180kt or greater, This is at least 8 times larger than SuperK. This will enhance the discovery of CP violation and nucleus decay. HyperK is still in the construction phase, and one of the main challenges is energy scale calibration to meet the systematic requirements of the experiment, one of the techniques used is a Deuterium-Tritium neutron generator, where the collision of Deuterium and Tritium produces a neutron inside the water tank. The main low energy calibration system for the HK will be a linear accelerator (LINAC), however, a DTG will be used to cross-check the energy scale and overcome some limitations of LINAC, namely the isotropy and the ability of the DTG to be out of the detector while taking data.
This is a recent ongoing effort of the Morocco group, and I will give an overview of the main tech- nique, no result will be given.
Keywords: DTG, energy scale, Hyper-Kamiokande, Super-Kamiokande