Deceleration of quantum decay processes through electromagnetic field domination

Not scheduled
Oral Presentation ELECTROWEAK AND HIGGS PHYSICS Electroweak and Higgs Physics


Mohamed JAKHA (Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Beni Mellal, Morocco)


The rapid development of laser technology has paved the way for the use of laser sources to study relativistic processes in the fields of quantum electrodynamics, atomic physics and high energy physics. In this context, the main purpose of this talk is to advance our understanding of the ultrafast physical processes that occur in the presence of a laser field. It, therefore, belongs to the research field called strong-field physics, which is the general research area of laser-matter interaction. Specifically, we focus on a new theoretical study, in the framework of electroweak theory, of the decay processes of the W and Z bosons in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field. This study revives the controversial debate that has arisen over the last two decades about the possibility that the electromagnetic field affects the lifetime or decay rate of an unstable particle.

Primary author

Mohamed JAKHA (Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Beni Mellal, Morocco)


Dr Said MOUSLIH (Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Beni Mellal, Morocco) Prof. Souad TAJ (Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Beni Mellal, Morocco) Prof. Bouzid MANAUT (Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Beni Mellal, Morocco)

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