Beta decay of proton induced by high-power laser field

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Oral Presentation STRONG INTERACTIONS HADRON PHYSICS Strong Interaction and Hadron Physics


Mohamed OUHAMMOU (Recherche Laboratory in Physics and Engineering Sciences, Team of Modern and Applied Physics, FPBM, USMS, Morocco)


In this work, we investigate the decay of the proton into neutron, positron and electron neutrino in the presence of an external electromagnetic field with circular polarization. Different physical quantities related to this decay process, such as proton’s decay rate and its lifetime, are calculated based on the S-matrix approach. The proton and positron are treated as Dirac-Volkov states, while the neutron and electron neutrino are free-states. We have found that, though it can not occur in vacuum, the proton’s decay process into neutron, positron and electron neutrino becomes possible in the presence of laser field with high intensities near or close to the Schwinger limit. In addition, near this limit and for some frequencies, the proton’s lifetime can be comparable to that of the neutron, and the required laser strength, from which this decay becomes possible, depends on the chosen laser source.

Primary author

Mohamed OUHAMMOU (Recherche Laboratory in Physics and Engineering Sciences, Team of Modern and Applied Physics, FPBM, USMS, Morocco)

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