The proposed Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) will provide electron-positron collisions with centre-of-mass energy operation in three stages from a few hundred GeV up to 3 TeV. This offers a rich precision physics program combined with high sensitivity to a wide range of possible new phenomena. The precision required for such measurements and the specific conditions imposed by the beam bunch sizes and time structure put strict requirements on the detector design and technology development. This includes low-mass vertexing and tracking systems with small pixels, highly granular imaging calorimeters, and a precise hit-timing resolution for all subsystems.
A variety of detector optimisation studies have been carried out to establish the overall detector performance and to assess the impact of different technology options. In parallel, ambitious technology R&D programs are pursued, addressing the challenging CLIC detector requirements and exploiting synergies with other detector R&D projects. Several software and hardware tools have been developed as part of the R&D programme, enabling efficient simulation and testing of various technology demonstrators.
This contribution introduces the CLIC experimental conditions and detector requirements and presents the optimised CLICdet detector concept, followed by examples of the ongoing R&D activities for silicon pixel detectors.